Virtual Social Media Marketing is Like...A lot of people and businesses aren’t sure how social media works and why they should use it. Sometimes, it’s hard to understand the concept of social media marketing and blogging, especially if you are doing it for someone you don't know. To picture it, imagine it like this. . .Virtual Social Media Marketing is like a networking. Imagine walking into a room where you hardly know anyone. You have to meet people.You wouldn't walk up to someone and just start prattling on about yourself, your job, or business. Out of courtesy, people would listen for a little while, but then walk away feeling disconnected from the "conversation" you just had. But, what if after you both introduced yourselves, if you start talking about something that interests them from their job or life and they join the conversation. You need to strike up a conversation first, to learn about the person and their business and passions. Once you have begun a two-way conver
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